How to setup Apple Watch for Family in Australia- for under $10/month

How to setup Apple Watch for Family in Australia- for under $10/month

In today’s connected world, ensuring your family stays in touch is more important than ever. Apple Watch Family Setup offers a convenient way to keep tabs on your loved ones, providing them with communication, fitness tracking, and safety features right on their wrists.

But you will be wondering its so expensive in Australia when you go with the local network providers to get own sim for the kids. Cheapest options starts from $44/month, Crazzy!!

Luckily there is BetterRoaming to save you. They have 2 plans. $10.99/month or $99/year. This is also listed in Apple’s website under family setup for Australi.

The process is simple and have 7 days free trial too. Simply sign up on their website and copy the SIED of the family member’s watch and paste it during the sign up process. Then on the paired watch from the phone watch app complete the mobile connection.

Hope this short post finds useful. Share it with friends.

Streamlining Financial Operations: The Power of Automation for Decision Makers

Streamlining Financial Operations: The Power of Automation for Decision Makers

In today’s dynamic business environment, financial leaders are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency and drive strategic initiatives. One powerful solution that can significantly impact financial operations is Microsoft Power Automate. In this article, we’ll explore how Power Automate can streamline finance and accounting processes, enabling decision-makers to make informed choices that benefit the bottom line.

Understanding Power Automate

Microsoft Power Automate is a cloud-based service designed to simplify and automate workflows across various applications and services. It offers a powerful automation process that allowing organizations to streamline business processes without the need for repetitive tasks. Power Automate empowers decision-makers to optimize financial workflows, saving time and improving overall operational efficiency.

photo of printed invoice with a calculator

Automating Repetitive Tasks

  1. Invoice Processing Managing invoices can be a time-consuming task. Power Automate streamlines this process by automating the flow of information from incoming invoices to updating accounting systems. This reduces manual data entry and minimizes the risk of errors, ensuring a smoother and more efficient workflow.
  2. Expense Reporting Expense reports often involve tedious data entry and categorization. With Power Automate, organizations can automate the extraction of data from receipts, simplifying the expense reporting process. This not only saves time but also enhances accuracy in tracking and managing expenses.
  3. Bank Reconciliation The reconciliation of bank statements and accounting records is a critical but often labor-intensive task. Power Automate can automate the matching of transactions, identifying errors and discrepancies swiftly. This accelerates the reconciliation process, leading to more accurate financial records.
  4. Notifications and Approvals Collaboration within finance teams is essential. Power Automate facilitates this by automating notifications for pending approvals. Decision-makers can ensure that tasks move through the approval chain efficiently, reducing delays in critical financial processes.

Implementing Power Automate

To harness the benefits of Power Automate:

  1. Identify Repetitive Tasks: Pinpoint tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming in your financial processes.
  2. Choose Trigger and Actions: Select triggers that initiate the workflow and define subsequent actions. Customize the workflow to meet your organization’s specific needs.
  3. Connect Applications: Power Automate supports a wide range of applications. Connect relevant applications to ensure a seamless flow of data.
  4. Configure Workflow: Customize the workflow to align with your organization’s unique requirements. This may involve setting conditions, creating loops, or incorporating approval steps.
  5. Test and Iterate: Thoroughly test the automated workflow before deployment. Iterate and make adjustments as needed.
  6. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of automated workflows and gather feedback. Optimize processes to adapt to changing business needs.

Benefits of Power Automate in Finance

  1. Time Savings: Automation allows finance teams to save time on repetitive tasks, enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives.
  2. Reduced Errors: Automation minimizes the risk of human errors associated with manual data entry, leading to more accurate financial records.
  3. Improved Collaboration: Automated workflows facilitate smoother collaboration, ensuring tasks move seamlessly through various stages of approval and processing.
  4. Scalability: Automated processes can easily scale to accommodate increased transaction volumes and evolving business requirements.


Embracing Microsoft Power Automate empowers decision-makers to optimize financial operations, fostering efficiency and accuracy. By automating repetitive tasks, organizations can free up valuable time, reduce errors, and enhance collaboration within finance teams. As a decision-maker, consider the impact that Power Automate can have on your organization’s bottom line, driving productivity and supporting strategic financial goals in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Looking for a consultant or Developer?

Contact us today to get an expert advice on how the Automation process can increase efficiency in your business. email: [email protected]

[Solved] How to download csv from Power Apps gallery?

[Solved] How to download csv from Power Apps gallery?

There is no out of the box method to download PowerApps gallery items as csv or excel file. In this post, I am explaining a how to create a universal power Automate flow that you can use through out the Apps to download PowerApps gallery items as a .csv file. This is a very common scenario where you want to download the items in Gallery so you can edit them or use with other data to analyse.

This method uses Power Automate without any premium connections. There are few simple steps involved.

  1. Flow is triggered by PowerApps.
  2. Compose Input- Ask in PowerApps
  3. Create CSV table – use the expression: json(outputs(‘Content’))
creating csv from PowerApp Gallery

  1. Create a OneDrive file
  2. Create a share link for the file
  3. Respond to PowerApp ( Remember to put ?Download=1 as shown below)
  4. Optional- Delay 1 day
  5. Optional – Delete Temp file
how to download a scv file from PowerApp.

Once the flow is created, you can connect it to the App. Then run the flow from a button click with a collection of prepared from the gallery content. You can add as many columns when you prepare the data to download from PowerApps. See the code below for PowerApps.

If you find this post useful, please leave a comment.

How to Speed up your WordPress Website with 5 simple steps in 2023

You might have seen this question in many forums with long answers and many thousands of suggestions on how to speed up the WordPress Website. There is a very high chance that you have read through the solutions, and you decided that there is no way to speed up the website unless you hire a WordPress Developer. Well this could be true to some extent if your website was built a few years ago with outdated plugins or themes and you have never updated them since. 

If you have a recently developed website and you think it is taking too long to load the blog posts or your pages, then follow these few simple steps and you will notice an increase in load speed.

The following suggestions require previous knowledge of WordPress Admin Dashboard and Image processing skills.

  1. Analyse the Page speed with Google’s PageSpeed Insight
  1. Reduce image size and numbers on your webpage.
  1. Deactivate and Delete unnecessary plugins
  2. Update WordPress and Plugins
  3. Use few and light weight fonts
  4. Remove embedded maps and iframes

For advice on decrease the loading time of your WordPress website, contact out expert developer today.

[Solved] How to upload files to SharePoint Library from PowerApps?

[Solved] How to upload files to SharePoint Library from PowerApps?

Uploading and saving files or images to SharePoint Document Library from PowerApps is one of the most important functions that a real world app requires. There is no out of the box solution for uploading images or files directly from PowerApps. Hence there are various solutions that that App Developers came up over the last few years. All of them involves using PowerAutomate as the mediator to solve this. Some of the initial solutions that surfaced over the internet involves lots of data formatting and cleaning before you could actually start using them.

With the recent changes in PowerApps and PowerAutomate, the solutions also evolved with less codes and steps involved in getting the data from PowerApps and transforming them in PowerAutomate flows to create the the files in SharePoint Library.

In this tutorial I will explain one of the easiest and shorted solution to upload files from PowerApps to SharePoint Library.

  1. Creating the flow in PowerAutomate.

The flow is triggered using the PowerApps(V2) where we get the required data from PowerApps. At minimum the data should include the ‘file’ field filled. The rest of the fields in this example are optional as in this example I am updating the file properties once the file is created.

To create the file in SharePoint Document Library, use the properties of the file.

To show a notification when file is uploaded, a respond to PowerApps action is added with the Result Text True or False.

2. Adding the flow to PowerApps.

As you can see that my flow asks for 4 fields. EqID, DocumentName, DocumentTypeID and Details and I have to pass all these data from my PowerApps app. The following code is when you have an attachment control to upload files. I will show how you can add attachment control to PowerApps in another Post.

            _SelectedEqID,1,"Risk Assessment", "Risk Assessment",
                    contentBytes: First(RiskAttment.Attachments).Value,
                    name:  First(RiskAttment.Attachments).Name,

//This is for Notification if successful
If(Result.result="True",Refresh(EquipmentDocumentLibrary);UpdateContext({ResetRiskAttchment:false});UpdateContext({ResetRiskAttchment:true});Notify("Risk Assessment Uploaded",Success,3000)   );

By adding conditional steps, you can improve this flow to be used as the only flow that is used through out the app to upload files into various Document Library and update the file properties.

You are welcome to share your thoughts on this solution and write comments below.